The Richland Creek Mitigation Bank project is restoring a network of streams throughout an entire watershed.
The Puzzle Creek Conservation Bank provides credits to offset Joshua tree impacts for infrastructure development in the Mojave Desert.
The Chariton Hills Conservation Bank provides mitigation offsets for impacts to the Indiana bat, northern long-eared bat and little brown bat.
The Park Creek Station Wetland Mitigation Bank preserves, restores and enhances wetlands for the purpose of providing compensatory mitigation credits in advance of unavoidable impacts to wetlands or other aquatic resources.
The Eagle Protection and Offset Program (EPOP) provides a streamlined solution for compensatory mitigation required as part of Eagle Incidental Take Permits issued by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to comply with the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act.
The North Fork Crow River Mitigation Bank restores wetlands to provide a sustainable mitigation solution that supports Central Minnesota’s regional ecology.
Burns & McDonnell is transforming a former golf course near San Diego into a natural wildlife habitat to support environmental and safety improvements at Marine Corps Air Station Camp Pendleton.
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At this time, Burns & McDonnell is not offering pure architectural services in the states of Illinois, Louisiana, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire or New Jersey. We may, however, provide design-build services for architectural projects.