We’re blending engineering, construction and operations technology with the virtual world. Wearable tech in a single assisted reality (AR) solution is making all this possible with services and support from Burns & McDonnell.

Use Cases Growing Rapidly
Burns & McDonnell and Manitoba Hydro International (MHI) began developing this AR solution in 2017. MHI’s VisualSpection software combined with RealWear hardware have created a foundation for 100+ use cases spanning multiple industries. More are being explored every day.

Work Safer and Smarter
Using hard hat-mounted technology, a single person conducts site walk-throughs, utilizing voice-activated, hands-free technology and communicating via live video calls with teams in remote diverse locations.

Reduce Construction Site Hazard Risks
You need fewer people on-site. Plus, your team can remotely:
- Collect asset data.
- Complete scoping.
- Geotag physical assets.
- Inspect components.
- Run tests remotely.
With functionality to connect up to 50 people in diverse remote locations, on-site users simply look at an asset, component or facility and transmit images and data in real-time via teleconference.
Assisted reality (AR) wearable technology has been found to increase safety, address the knowledge gap, and improve efficiency and effectiveness of employees.
Burns & McDonnell piloted how AR technology can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of utility field users.
Today a new generation of smart glasses is emerging with the potential to enhance performance, increase productivity, improve safety and more.

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