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Renewable fuel projects designed with traditional market dynamics in mind have a built-in economic disadvantage. To be cost competitive, renewable fuel plants and refinery conversion designs must look beyond the four walls of the plant. Designs that lower carbon intensity at every step from the field to the filling station can reap financial incentives that are critical to project success.
Producing renewable fuels is a potentially rewarding opportunity for refiners to enhance their services for profitable and lasting portfolios. From feedstock and technology selection to project delivery methods and complementary projects, several considerations can affect the feasibility of such projects.
As momentum grows to reduce carbon footprints, scalable solutions are key to meet decarbonization goals. Increasing requirements in both Canada and the U.S. are pushing for greater environmental standards. Ever-evolving incentives and legislation continue to drive change within the industry.
Comprehensive treatability testing informs how to address wastewater challenges for novel renewable fuels while maintaining control of operational and capital costs.
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As refiners consider renewable, low-carbon alternatives, renewable diesel — refined from agricultural products using petroleum refinery processes — is gaining traction. Rather than constructing new grassroots renewable diesel production units, refineries with existing hydroprocessing units may be able to increase their speed to market with conversion projects.
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As airlines explore approaches to decarbonize the aviation industry, sustainable aviation fuel has emerged as a leading sky-friendly solution.
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Carbon capture, utilization and storage show strong potential to help reduce carbon emissions globally. Successful deployment of one of the newest tools in the net zero emissions toolbox — carbon capture and storage — will depend on understanding a complex permitting process and aligning efforts to speed approvals.
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Refiners are expanding their interests beyond renewable diesel into the sustainable aviation fuel marketplace. While feedstock availability continues to be a concern, another pathway has opened that may provide some temporary relief.
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The Gulf Coast will soon be home to a new renewable diesel plant, which will allow an international manufacturer and marketer of transportation fuels and petrochemicals to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and meet renewable fuel standard requirements.
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Global interest in decarbonization is rising across industries, corporations and countries, driven in part by the Paris Climate Agreement, which aims to limit global warming below 2 degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial levels and reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. As an increasing number believe carbon capture and storage programs should be part of the solution, new government incentives may give them the chance to find out.
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Refineries have many options available for full or partial conversion to renewable diesel or sustainable aviation fuel production. With momentum continuing in the renewable fuels space, the petroleum industry is actively looking to repurpose existing refineries by converting diesel hydrotreaters, gas/oil hydrotreaters and hydrocrackers to renewable diesel units.
Hydrogen offers benefits to the power and industrial markets, but production can be carbon intensive. It is important to include decarbonization in plans.
A hub-and-spoke approach for carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) can reduce risk and improve economic viability of geological storage.
The fuel refining business is in a state of flux, aligning with the broader energy transition to more renewable and decarbonized sources. As renewable fuels produced from vegetable oils and other agricultural feedstocks become a bigger part of the conversation, refiners are asking how a carbon tax in the United States might affect the market.
As pressure increases to meet decarbonization goals, interest in carbon capture, low-carbon fuel standards and credit generation opportunities are gaining steam. Join our webinar as Dave Collings, Stephanie Villarreal and John Hesemann will discuss 45Q tax credits, potential technologies, viability of geological sequestration and how to get started with carbon capture implementation.
Change can be challenging in the established midstream market, but a dividing wall column offers benefits that may make it a worthwhile innovation.
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As trends toward decarbonization and renewable generation gain steam, interest in hydrogen has reemerged as a potentially key technology in the evolution of the power industry. Join our webinar as Megan Reusser, Nick Lumley and Jane Newman-Ford discuss the many facets of hydrogen, as well as prospective end uses, market opportunities and technical considerations.
Partnering with an integrated engineer-procure-construct (EPC) team can mitigate challenges in executing large-scale solar and energy storage projects.
The gasification pathway for renewable fuels is flexible, from feedstock and end products to economic incentives, creating potential for commercial gasification.
A deep technical and economic understanding of the renewable diesel market can help producers measure the risk of projects and balance economic variables.
ROI for biofuel projects depends on state, federal and international programs that assign values based on carbon intensity of fuel type and process tech.
Renewable diesel technology has become a top choice for low carbon intensity fuels. However, implementation in petroleum oil refining facilities presents challenges.
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As the nation’s power generation mix continues its transformation away from coal and toward solar and other renewable sources, the need for fast-acting resources that can be dispatched quickly to firm renewable production is growing. While battery storage is often considered first, historically low natural gas prices could make gas-powered assets another viable alternative.
Innovating to minimize air pollutant emissions allows chemicals, oil and gas sector firms to continue growing and still meet sustainability objectives.
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The current federal renewable energy policy is on the table for extension, debate or cancellation. To advocate for a robust renewable fuel program, it is essential to understand the challenges associated with the current version and how it might be strengthened to invest in a greener future.
As governments and companies set climate goals, it’s critical to develop technologies that help realize these goals and create a circular carbon economy.
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Pretreatment is necessary for renewable diesel feedstocks, but different processes can introduce unnecessary cost and triglyceride yield loss.
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Investors are putting capital in projects that promise carbon efficiency. In chemicals, oil and gas, this means finding new product delivery options.
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Understanding the basic requirements, benefits and drawbacks can help determine if feedstock addition — to enhance the production of renewable biogas — is a viable option for your facility.
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Advanced recycling methods have many advantages when it comes to plastics, creating new opportunities in the circular economy of plastics.
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Investors are putting capital in projects that promise carbon efficiency. In chemicals, oil and gas, this means finding new product delivery options.
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An oil field brine intrusion jeopardized the fresh water supply for a Midwest community and refinery. In order to address the water threat, a new wastewater reclamation process was essential.
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To capitalize on an untapped revenue stream, a joint venture sought installation of a facility to produce, store and distribute high-performance lignin products from renewable raw materials. Overcoming site challenges, we provided front‑end planning and EPC services to deliver an efficient plant on time and under budget.
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Producing renewable diesel fuel requires triglyceride feedstocks, but introducing a new feedstock requires operators understand the process and economics.
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Carbon capture, utilization and storage technologies make it possible to prevent up to 90% of a power plant’s carbon dioxide emissions from entering the atmosphere. Utilities with carbon dioxide off-take potential can leverage these technologies to create a new revenue stream that enhances the economic performance of their existing generation assets, while helping to meet clean energy mandates.
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The U.S. offshore wind market has potential to supply vast amounts of clean, renewable energy to millions of homes and businesses. Turning it into reality will involve addressing many challenges. Among them: convincing power industry stakeholders to agree on how to connect this offshore generation to the onshore electric grid.
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To boost its power generation capabilities, a client set its sights on a utility-scale solar project — spanning 106 acres. Using EPC project delivery, we created a solar field to follow the movement of the sun and convert the solar energy captured into enough electricity to serve 3,300 homes.
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The renewable energy future is here. With it comes the potential for greater energy efficiency and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. But achieving that potential will require energy storage technologies that can provide reliability and resiliency across an increasingly complex electrical grid.
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Understanding the three main sources of feedstocks used in the production of renewable diesel is important to choosing an effective process technology.
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Various industries are altering how to direct capital dollars to meet environmental, social and governance standards.
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