Our final route comparison study focused on a route matrix containing five different segments that could be combined in different ways to create nine different route options for the pipeline.
A strategic plan obtains regulatory approval for a new natural gas pipeline.
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Ameren Illinois
Pekin, Illinois
Completion Date
Ameren Illinois (Ameren) provides electric and gas service to over 1,200 communities, reaching almost three-quarters of the state of Illinois. To continue adequately providing safe and reliable service to current and future utility customers, Ameren is focused on pipeline modernization and expansion and improving its natural gas service performance. Pekin Reliability Enhancement Project consists of 6.5 miles of new 16-inch steel natural gas pipeline in Tazewell County, beginning from the Glasford Storage Line southwest of Pekin. To maintain natural gas service to the Pekin area, an additional halfmile of 12-inch pipeline would be needed to connect the existing distribution system to the newly constructed pipeline.
To assist with the project, Ameren turned to our program management team for a wide range of services, from routing, siting and real estate management to environmental permitting and preliminary design engineering.
Our final route comparison study focused on a route matrix containing five different segments that could be combined in different ways to create nine different route options for the pipeline.
MONTHS TO OBTAIN CPCN APPROVALThe route segments provided flexibility in the selection of the preferred and alternate route, allowing for better incorporation of and response to feedback provided by stakeholders in the area.
We prepared a preliminary design for the pipeline and associated facilities to comply with requirements, industry codes and specifications. Using existing public data, we facilitated the preliminary design process, including defining workplace locations, evaluating the most costeffective crossing methods — such as horizontal directional drill or jack-and-bore — and optimizing the route within the right-ofway based on constructability. We also worked closely with Ameren to finalize the centerline of the proposed pipeline route and evaluate potential crossing types based on the recommended route
For environmental permitting requirements, our team collected and reviewed aerial photography, topographic maps and other available background data. This part of the project included identifying wetland areas, conducting soil surveys and working with government agencies to identify protected species and address concerns along the proposed routes.
To acquire right-of-way for the project, our team supported preparation of the application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) from the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) — a first for an Ameren pipeline in Illinois. Working with Ameren’s engineering, legal, regulatory and public engagement teams, we provided expert testimony regarding the development of the route options and the public outreach conducted as part of that process. Following a public review process, the CPCN application was approved ahead of schedule in October 2018.
Land acquisition activities, along with any needed field studies to support permit applications, are expected to begin in 2019 with construction to begin in 2020.

Paul Callahan
Business Development Manager