To reduce electrical load, designs included light poles with photovoltaic panels and storage batteries to reduce the amount of energy consumed by auxiliary loads. Past load studies were utilized to appropriately size new load infrastructure. A time-based power sharing system was developed to allow for complete charging of the proposed vehicles while reducing electrical load impacts.
To meet installation flexibility and expansion needs, the design also included a 15-kV service drop, which can be used as a splice point for future expansion. A transformer vault or pad with multiple anchor bolt locations allows for future upsizing, and the replacement of the transformer and distribution equipment was designed with oversized bussing and spare feeder conduit. Finally, spare conduit stub-ups from the 480-kV switchboard were integrated into the design to mitigate reworking.
Finally, our team provided project management and construction assistance services by developing and maintaining the design phase of the project schedule; developing a construction cost estimate and schedule to support bid review; and providing construction administration and support services.