As momentum grows to reduce carbon footprints, scalable solutions are key to meet decarbonization goals. Increasing requirements in both Canada and the U.S. are pushing for greater environmental standards. Ever-evolving incentives and legislation continue to drive change within the industry. These carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) initiatives aim to encourage the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions for a more sustainable future.

Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) 2025

March 3-5 | Houston, Texas

Visit Burns & McDonnell in Booth # 1001 and check out our slate of panel sessions and presentations. We look forward to a collaborative discussion of CCUS-related challenges and opportunities as we build a more sustainable energy future.

Meet Our Presenters

Carbon Capture

Understanding how to navigate commercial carbon capture technologies, cost and timeline considerations are essential for a successful project. Our extensive experience in the market allows us to understand point source capture, how to clean up gas and compression for use and storage. Whether looking to add carbon capture to your existing assets, or planning to build new units with carbon capture, we can guide you through the EPC journey and key considerations for a successful project.

CO2 Storage & Pipelines

We understand certainty in results is imperative to your evolving business model to transport carbon and other alternative fuels. Upfront planning is crucial to determine optimal site locations and identify modifications to existing pipeline assets to put you on the right path for project certainty. Whether repurposing existing pipelines or building new CO2 pipelines to transport and store carbon, our team can guide you through flow assurance, capital and operating costs, along with health, safety and environmental factors for successful EPC project execution.

Permitting Class VI Wells & Pipelines

Permitting Class VI wells and pipelines is an often-lengthy process. Having the right team on your side — one with the experience necessary to navigate permitting complexities and put the optimal plan in place from the start — can make all the difference when it comes to completing crucial permits necessary for construction to mobilize. Correctly completing the process the first time helps to avoid costly schedule delays.

Optimal Sequestration Sites in North America

Footnote: There are a variety of options for carbon storage or sequestration, but the most common is injection into saline basins. These basins offer immense capacity throughout North America, with room theoretically to accommodate all U.S. and Canada CO2 emissions for the next several hundred years.

The Department of Energy's map, showcasing locations of CO2 storage projects.
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